Implementation of our main goals

Analyses on STEM education practices in each partner country

In-depth studies on the current status of STEM training in partner countries. Based on this analysis, the partners will develop a specific strategy for the development of Green STEM education.

Implementation of a training program of the academic staff for teacher’s educators in GREEN STEM

At least one training program (for additional qualifications) for teachers in secondary schools will be developed. The courses will be included in one or more of the current or new university programs after the end of the project.

Development of innovative methodology and content for Green STEM education of teachers

Through joint expertise between our partners, we will develop a common innovative methodology, tools and content for Green STEM training for future and current teachers. 

Development of digital toolkit for Green STEM education

This toolkit will be the database for all developed resources and for the support of project target groups.

Development of guideline for the academic staff for implementation of Green STEM

The partners will provide a common model for training for school education in the field of STEM. An integral part of this model will be the developed programs for GREEN STEM apprenticeship in enterprises.

Organizing an international Green STEM conference

SWU will host an international multiplier event for the dissemination of project’s best practices and results.