Work Packages


WP 1 - Project Management

The project management team takes charge of planning, organizing, and controlling all project activities. Our primary objective is to ensure the project’s successful execution, timeline, and budget constraints. This WP encompasses the development of detailed project plans, resource allocation, risk assessment, and communication strategies. By closely monitoring progress and promptly addressing challenges, the team aims to deliver high-quality results while maintaining stakeholder satisfaction. Throughout the project’s lifecycle, this Work Package serves as the backbone, providing the necessary structure and direction to steer the project towards its success.


WP 2 - Joint Strategy about Green STEM

This WP aims to conduct in-depth studies on the current status of STEM training in partner countries and to develop a specific strategy for green STEM education. The activities set out in this work package aim to achieve specific objective 1 of the project, “Exchange of experience, development, and testing of a cooperation model in the area of green STEM education.”

Main results from WP2:

  • a transnational team of experts from the four partners;
  • detailed state-of-the-art analysis in each of the partner countries, with detailed information and specific data on the current state of training for STEM education;
  • Derived recommendations for improvements in the models for STEM training of pedagogical staff in the countries;
  • prepared a general strategy and plan for introducing a model for training pedagogical staff—students and teachers—for the application of the green STEM approach.
Download the Transnational Report

Development and validation of innovative methodologies for Green STEM

The specific objective of WP3 is “through joint expertise between the partners to develop a common innovative model for Green STEM training of teachers.” 

The goals formulated in this way correspond to two of the specific priority goals of the KA2 Cooperation partnership program: Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices and Developing STEM / STEAM in higher education. 

Main results:

  • Development of innovative topics for Green STEM education;
  • Development of innovative methods and content in the area of Green STEM for reaching students and teachers;
  • Development of flexible learning pathways and modular courses (part-time, online or blended) in Green STEM for working school teachers;
  • Development of practical skills and knowledge of students in the area of Green STEM education to be relevant to labor market needs;
  • Reduced skills mismatch of teachers in the area of STEM education to relevant for the requirements of quality school education.

Development of capacity of the academic staff for implementation of Green STEM

The specific objective of WP4 is “to build capacity in partner universities to conduct innovative training in the Green STEM approach for students of pedagogical specialties and teachers.”

The specific objective of WP3 includes three sub-objectives:
– To develop a practical model and resources for the training of academic staff – teacher’s educators;
– To form specific knowledge and skills of teachers to apply the new approach, which in turn to test the acquired knowledge by conducting test training of students and teachers;
– To create a digital platform to support the qualifications of the academic staff in the new model and provide access to resources and for further development in the field of Green STEM;
– To create conditions for the exchange of experience between the academic staff of the 4 universities included in the Green STEM program, both for the sharing of experience and knowledge and for the implementation of joint research in the field of Green STEM education


Dissemination, Promotion & Multiplication

WP 5 has the following specific objectives:
1) To achieve popularization and multiplication of the activities of the Green STEM project;
2) Informing the target groups and all stakeholders, as well as the general public, about the objectives of the project and the program.

Main results:

Green STEM round tables with representatives of educational institutions in each partner country – to present the
developed model;
– 1 web page to promote the project, present the objectives, activities and multiply the results;
– 1 promotional video uploaded on the project website and social media in order to promote the ideas and objectives of the
– 1 social platform development – to promote and multiply the results. Up-to-date information will be published during the
implementation of the project to monitor progress;
– 4 Local Promotional Campaigns, one for each of the project partners.