Our Target Groups

Academic Staff from the Partner Universities

In this category are two groups of academic staff: from pedagogical specialties and from technical and natural sciences, who have knowledge and experience in Green STEM. As a result of the project, it is expected to develop a methodology according to which teachers from both groups will be able to prepare staff for school STEM education. A total of 24 teachers (6 from each partner) will be directly trained in the project activities, and their number will increase after the end of the project.

  • Professors
  • Associate and Assistance Professors
  • Young Researchers

Students preparing to become future teachers

This target group includes current and future students from the pedagogical specialties of the 4 universities. Particular focus will be on students studying for teachers of natural and technical sciences such as mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, biology, geography and others.

Through the project activities, an innovative model and content for training these students in the field of Green STEM will be developed. The model will be tested among at least 20 students from a partner within the project. After the end of the project, the model will be able to be implemented in bachelor’s and master’s programs.

Special focus on students who study: Chemistry, Physics, Biology

Special focus on students who study: Computer Sciences & Software Engineering

Students who study: Environmental Protection & Geography