Trakya University hosted a two-day workshop as part of Work Package 4 of the “Green STEM Model for Teacher Education.”
The event brought together 20 academics from Slovenia, Greece, and Bulgaria, opening with a welcome address by Trakya University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hamdi Zafer. Project Manager Prof. Dr. Ivanka Stankova and Trakya University Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Eylem Bayır led the workshop with insightful presentations.
Over the two days, participants engaged in an in-depth training program focused on philosophical and theoretical approaches and shared methodologies in green STEM education. The second day highlighted best practices developed within the project, aiming to equip academic staff in training both in-service teachers and future educators.
During the internationally attended project meeting, participants discussed project progress, shared insights, and set plans for upcoming initiatives. The event fostered strong inter-country connections, with positive feedback received on the academic staff training program.
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