Consortium Meeting in University of Ioanina

On 04/05/2024, a workshop was held at the University of Ioannina, Greece during the implementation of WP 4 of the Green STEM Project.

The specific goal of Work Package 4 is to build capacity in the partner universities to conduct innovative training of students from the pedagogical direction and of teachers in green STEM technologies.
In the implementation of Work Package 4, the following activities are organized and implemented:
1. Development of a practical model and resources for training academic staff—teacher trainers;
2. Formation of specific knowledge and skills of teachers to apply the new approach;
3. Creation of a digital platform to support the qualifications of the academic staff according to the new model and provide access to resources for further development in the field of Green STEM.

The workshop at the University of Ioannina is aimed at the implementation of activity 3, which includes the development of content for digitization, as well as the preparation of a teaching aid.

The Greek partners and the team from South-West University play the leading role in this activity.

At the meeting in Ioannina, the content of the manual as well as the illustrative visual materials were agreed upon and edited

Press and design of the manual were discussed, and the digital version of the manual was discussed. Guidelines for the printing and distribution of 40 copies were discussed. recycled paper guides for training Green STEM educators.

The hosts from the University of Ioannina introduced the partners to the structure and capacity of the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Pedagogy.

Achievements in the field of augmented reality, developed by professors from the Greek University, were demonstrated.


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